Fire Grants and Safety Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: May 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, thanks to all of the Members here today who have worked on this legislation.

I rise in strong support of S. 870, legislation that includes the ADVANCE Act, which I co-lead with Energy Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Duncan, to modernize our nuclear energy policy and to maintain important safety provisions and environmental protections.

Transitioning to clean energy needs to be an all-of-the-above approach that leverages every aspect of our energy production in the United States, including nuclear.

Nuclear energy provides nearly 20 percent of the electricity in the United States. It is also our largest source of carbon-free energy, making up more than half our emissions-free electricity.

We know that nuclear energy is not a silver bullet, but if we are going to get to zero percent carbon emissions by 2050, it must be part of the equation.

This bill helps ensure that our approach to nuclear energy is modernized, focusing on safety and environmental protections.

I am glad that my provisions to improve safety measures at nuclear energy facilities, recruit a highly trained and skilled workforce, and keep our nuclear regulations up to date were included in the bill.

These steps will help enhance our nuclear energy supply chain while protecting against failures that could negatively impact communities in the workforce.

One of the provisions included in this legislation will strengthen the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ability to attract and retain highly qualified and competent employees, ensuring the commission is up to the challenge of licensing the advanced reactors that we anticipate will come in increasing numbers over the next decade.

In 2022, the NRC reported it was 23 percent smaller than it was 6 years earlier, and a third of the commission is currently eligible for retirement.

We need to incentivize a strong nuclear energy workforce so we can ensure nuclear energy is safe and effective. This will be an important part of taking on the climate crisis.

This bill is overwhelmingly bipartisan, it is supported by a variety of advocacy groups, and I urge my colleagues to support the bill.

Mr. KEAN of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

